Art and graphics
Backgrounds & images
- Header image is a panel from Fatum Betula's release trailer.
- Alice and Wonderland illustrations from
- Library buttons from Busy Beaver Button Museum.
Other graphics
- Icon courtesy of Bonnibel's Graphic Collection.
- Tooth divider by kouenli.
- Cute little centipede divider by BLUE-TRASH.
- Night city divider by UmieArt.
- Teacups and keetle on my Blog Homepage from Bonnibel's Graphic Collection.
- 'New' icon from The Daily Explorer.
Main code
- Fanlisty template from EGGRAMEN.
- Talking pagedoll from winston.
- Zonelets!!! for my blog!
- EZ Gallery for my gallery.
Resources & sites
- [ stuff, resources, ect ] by k3dd0_ on
- Guestbook brought to you by
- Sweet and darling w3schools.
- r/neocities.
- If you are ever in need of a button this is the website for you.
- Openly liscenced images, audio and more from Openverse.
If something is not here, it was likely made by me or I need to be told to add it to the credits!